What is Scheme Markup? The Lowdown on This Key Local SEO Tool

If you’re running a website for your small business,you’ve probably heard of local search engine optimisation and how it can help your business boost its online presence.

There are various ways local SEO techniques that you can use to improve your site’s search engine page ranking and pull in more visitors But according to seasoned SEO professionals in Hong Kong,one of the things that you should really know is Schema markup.

What is Schema markup?

Schema markup is an essentially a set of HTML code which provides additional context to search engine algorithms about the content on your webpage. For example,if you’re selling apples,having a schema markup can help Google better understand that what you’re selling are fruits and not Apple’s tech products.

What does it do?

The ones who’ll benefit the most from schema are the online users. If your site has a Schema markup values,the search engine algorithm can fetch more detailed snippets about your business,like business hours and location,making it easier for search users to know more about you at a glance. Think of it as a digital business card,which can significantly improve the chance of attracting leads.

Should I use Schema markup?

Schema markup is mostly beneficial for several types of content or business. For example,if you’re hosting an event,providing additional information like the location and event type are undoubtedly useful. That goes the same for providing context about your organisation or business,like who leads the team and where other locations are you operating in.

When it comes to local SEO,you want to build trust and credibility. Potential clients can trust you more when they know more about you,your business and how it can add value to them. Incorporating Scheme markup is a simple way of making your website provide more context to what you do and hopefully lead to leads conversion.

For more information,visit:Concinnity Limited
